Incorporating AHA Exfoliator into Sensitive Skin Routine

If you have sensitive skin, you may be hesitant to try new skincare products, as they can often be irritating or drying. But if you're looking to improve the appearance of your skin, incorporating an AHA deep clean exfoliator into your routine may be worth considering. AHAs, or alpha hydroxy acids, are a type of chemical exfoliant that work by breaking down the bonds between dead skin cells, allowing them to be easily removed. This can help to improve the texture and appearance of the skin, and may also help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. While AHAs can be effective at exfoliating the skin, they can also be irritating, particularly for those with sensitive skin.

Skincare routine if you have Sensitive Skin

However, there are a few ways to incorporate an AHA deep clean exfoliator into your skincare routine if you have sensitive skin:

Start slow:

 If you're new to using AHAs, start by using the product once or twice a week, and gradually increase the frequency as your skin becomes accustomed to the product.

Use a gentle formula: 

Look for an AHA deep clean exfoliator that is formulated with a lower concentration of AHAs, as these are less likely to irritate sensitive skin.

Follow with a moisturizer: 

After using an AHA exfoliator, be sure to follow with a moisturizer to help hydrate and protect the skin. This will help to counterbalance the drying effects of the AHA.

Patch test: 

If you're not sure if your skin will tolerate an AHA exfoliator, it's always a good idea to do a patch test before using the product all over your face. Apply a small amount of the product to a patch of skin on your neck or inner arm, and wait 24 hours to see if there is any reaction. Incorporating an AHA deep clean exfoliator into your skincare routine can be a great way to improve the texture and appearance of your skin, even if you have sensitive skin. Just be sure to start slow, use a gentle formula, follow with a moisturizer, and patch test before using the product all over your face. It's important to be mindful when incorporating an AHA deep clean exfoliator into your skincare routine if you have sensitive skin, as harsh ingredients and over-exfoliating can irritate and damage the skin. 


In conclusion, incorporating an AHA deep clean exfoliator into your skincare routine can be a great way to improve the appearance and health of your skin. However, it's important to be mindful of your skin's sensitivity and choose a product that is suitable for your skin type. By following the tips outlined above and paying attention to your skin's reactions, you can safely and effectively use an AHA exfoliator to improve the appearance of your skin.


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  2. Kucharska A, Majewski S, Wójcik A, et al. Alpha-Hydroxyacids – Cosmetics with a Multifunctional Character. Cosmetics. 2018; 5(2): 21.